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Easy Scan Settings

This section describes the settings needed to enable the Easy Scan action and define its
destinations and parameters. They can be changed on three tabs on the Easy Scan properties panel: General, Destinations, and Parameters.

The properties panel is automatically opened after the Easy Scan action node is created. You can also access it by double-clicking the terminal action node on the list of nodes or on the terminal screen preview.

General Limitations

  • Not all Easy Scan parameters are supported by all vendors/machines.

  • The "Allow custom values", "Allow multiple values" server scan settings are not supported automatically, they need to be enabled by the server administrator.

  • Easy Scan supports only one folder-browsable destination, all the rest of the connected destinations on the server are supposed to work as they worked before.

Vendor Compatibility Specifics

Easy Scan compatibility may differ between brands. Please check the relevant terminal documentation for more details.

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