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Create Custom Parameters

You can create new parameters to be used in the scan metadata, or as parts of file names, addresses, subjects and email bodies, and as paths to folders, passwords to folders etc.

The following parameter types can be created: Text, Password, Yes/No, MyQ Users, Code Book, User Properties, Device Properties, Address Book.

To create a custom parameter:

  1. On the action node properties panel, go to the Parameters tab.

  2. On the tab, click +Add. The new Parameter properties panel opens on the right side of the screen.

  3. Set the parameter, and then click Save. The new parameter is now displayed on the list on the Parameters tab.

Parameter Settings:

  • Title - The parameter's name.

  • Type - Select the parameter’s type from the drop-down:

    • Text - Text (string) typed by the user on the embedded terminal. You can use these parameters in a variety of strings in MyQ: names of files, addresses, subjects or email bodies, paths to folders and many other. In the Validator field, regular expressions can be used to define or limit the user's input.

    • Yes/No - Boolean parameter with the options: Yes, No. You can use these parameters in the scan metadata file to provide answers on Yes-No questions concerning the scan, such as if the scan is private or if it should be archived.

    • MyQ Users - This parameter enables selecting scan recipients from the list of all MyQ users. The scan is sent to the recipient primary email set in the Email text box on their properties panel on the Users main tab of the MyQ Web Interface, or to the folder set in the Folder or email for storing scanned documents text box in the same location.

    • Code Book - The parameter uses a list of values from internal code lists. Users can select options from lists of values used in metadata and destinations.

      • Internal code list: You can predefine code lists with values and use the values as options available for users.

      • LDAP sourced list: This parameter enables selecting scan recipients directly from an LDAP server by importing the codes from the server.

      • MS Exchange Address Book: You can use this code book to get personal contacts from an MS Exchange server. The contacts are retrieved using an account defined by the administrator in the MyQ Web UI. This account requires special rights on the MS Exchange server that allow it to access other users' mailboxes. The user sees the first 50 contacts on the terminal. To look for more contacts they would have to use the search function.

    • User Properties - The parameter can represent MyQ user properties within the metadata file of the scanned document. You can select one of the following values to be represented by the parameter:

      • User name

      • Full name

      • Email

      • User's storage

      • Personal number

      • Phone

      • Notes

      • Accounting Group

    • Device Properties - The parameter can represent MyQ printing device's properties within the metadata file of the scanned document. You can select one of the following values to be represented by the parameter:

      • Name

      • Location

      • IP address

      • Brand

      • Model

      • Serial number

      • Asset number

      • Notes

    • Address Book - The parameter enables users to manage scan and fax recipients seamlessly via their personal address book.

      • Allow multiple values

      • Allow custom values

  • Default value - A predefined value/option that will be used if nothing else is selected.

  • Required - The parameter value has to be defined. If the parameter does not have a default value, users are not allowed to print before this value is entered in the particular text box on the terminal screen.

  • Read Only - If this option is selected, the parameter cannot be changed by the users on the terminal screen.

  • Reference - String that is used as a reference to the parameter. A parameter with the parameterX reference is referred to as %parameterX% in MyQ. For example, the reference of the often used user name parameter is username; the parameter is referred to as %username%.

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