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Printer Information and Settings

The settings mentioned below are basic printer settings displayed on each printer’s properties panel.

General section

  • Name* - Name of the printing device, any string can be used.

  • Location - If it is required, you can specify the location of the printing device here.

  • IP address/Hostname* - The IP address or hostname of the printing device.

  • Scanner IP address - The IP address of the scanner (if the device scanner has a different IP than the printing device).

  • Fiery IP address - The IP address of the Fiery module (if the device is equipped with it).

  • Use driver of model - Alternative model name. If your printing device is not listed in the current database of supported models, you can enter the type of supported printing device which stands close to your model. For more information, please contact

Configuration section

  • Configuration Profile - Select a profile from the drop-down or create a new one to embed the printer by clicking +Add new. Then add a Name, install the terminal package, set the Login methods and the Printer credentials, as applicable to the printer.

  • Administrator user name - Enter the admin user name. If you embed the printer separately this user name should match the one in the configuration profile.

  • Administrator password - Enter the admin password. If you embed the printer separately this password should match the one in the configuration profile.

For Xerox devices, the administrator user name and password are a mandatory requirement for the device’s remote setup and activation (both for devices with embedded terminals and without).

Information section

  • Brand - Information about the printing device manufacturer. It is automatically detected from the device.

  • Model - Information about the printing device model name. It is automatically detected from the device.

  • Serial number - The printing device serial number. It is automatically detected from the device.

  • MAC address - The printing device MAC address. It is automatically detected from the device and it is used as a unique identification of the device in the MyQ® system. Therefore, only one device with a particular MAC address can be activated.

  • Asset number - Additional option for identification of the printing device.

  • Contact - Contact info of the person responsible for the printing device maintenance.

  • Purchase date - Purchase date of the printing device.

  • Notes - Additional information about the printing device.

Page Counters section

  • Black & White Print - Total amount of B&W pages printed on the device.

  • Color Print - Total amount of color pages printed on the device.

  • Black & White Copy - Total amount of B&W pages copied on the device.

  • Color Copy - Total amount of color pages copied on the device.

  • Single color copy - Total amount of single color pages copied on the device.

  • Scanner - Total amount of pages scanned on the device.

  • Fax - Total amount of incoming faxes printed on the device

  • Print total counter adjust for load balancing - The entered value is added to the printed pages counter to evenly spread print load between devices in tandem queues.

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