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Queue Types

For each queue, except for the default queues, you can select from four options as to what happens with the jobs that are sent there. This section describes these four queue types.

Direct queue type

A direct queue can have only one printing device assigned to it. Print jobs in this queue are sent directly to the printing device and are immediately printed.

When you add printers using printer discovery, you can automatically create a direct queue for every newly discovered device.

Tandem queue type

A tandem queue can be used on places with multiple printers and a higher printing volume. Jobs sent to this queue are evenly distributed among the devices and do not have to wait for one particular printer. This way, a large volume of print jobs can be spread between printers and printed in a significantly shorter time.

The queue can have multiple printing devices assigned to it. Print jobs from the queue are distributed among the printing devices that are not busy at the moment and they are immediately printed. If there are multiple idle printing devices, the print job is sent to the printer with the lowest printed pages counter.

To maintain a balanced printing device load, make sure that the printed page counters on all of the used printing devices are similar. Otherwise the printing devices with the lower printed page counter might be overused.

You can manually change the page counter on the Printer total counter adjust for load balancing: setting on the printing device properties panel on the Printers main tab. The number that you enter is added to the counter.

Pull Print queue type

With this queue, users can send multiple jobs and print them when they want on any of the printers assigned to the queue.

The queue can have multiple printing devices assigned to it. All of the assigned printers have to be equipped with MyQ terminals. Jobs sent to a pull print queue are processed by the system and saved on the server.

Once the user logs in on any printer assigned to this queue, the print job is sent to this device and the user can print it.

To use a pull print queue, an embedded terminal or a hardware terminal is required.

For more information on embedded terminals, see:

Delegated printing queue type

The delegated printing feature enables users and groups of users to choose delegates who can print their print jobs. After the delegating user (or group of users) sends a job to the Delegated printing queue, all delegates can see the jobs and print them. For further information about the Delegated printing feature, see Delegated printing.

The Delegated printing queue type works in the same way as the Pull Print queue type, except that it supports the delegate printing feature.

The delegates do not need to have rights to the delegated printing queue where the job was sent.

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