Scan to RightFax
To scan to RightFax you need to first set up a connection to your RightFax service.
Setup a Connection Between MyQ and RightFax
Open the Connections settings tab of the MyQ Web Interface (MyQ >Settings>Connections).
Click +Add and select RightFax from the menu.
Add a title identifying the connection, and your Account token, API key, and URL from RightFax.

Create and Set the RightFax Destination
Create a new destination (edit or create an Easy Scan terminal action; on its properties panel, in the Destinations tab, click +Add, and select Fax Server API).
On the new destination's properties panel add the Fax number and Sender email.

RightFax Code Book
When RightFax is connected to MyQ, a Code Book is automatically created called RightFax Phonebook. In MyQ>Settings>Code Books you can edit the Code Book Title, Server (if multiple instances of RightFax are connected), and set the Type to Private or Shared.

This Code Book can be added as a Parameter to the RightFax Easy Scan destination, allowing users to select contacts from the RightFax phonebook at an Embedded Terminal.