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Reporting Sources

Accounting in MyQ depends on the MyQ server version, the MyQ embedded terminal version and the printing device. MyQ 8.0+ currently uses the user-session architecture. The values in every report are based on user sessions (except for the Meter reading via SNMP printers report, described below).

  • Counters are calculated in the following way:

    • B&W pages = B&W prints + B&W copies + Fax

    • Color pages = Color prints + Color copies + Single color copy

    • Total Pages = B&W pages + Color pages

    • Total prints = B&W prints + Color prints

    • Total copies = B&W copies + Color copies

  • Price related columns include discounts.

  • Any printers monitored via MyQ Desktop Client are included in the reports.

  • Any non-MyQ users activity (*unauthenticated) is included in the reports.

  • MyQ does not track deleted printers. If a deleted printer is later added and activated in MyQ, the reports will not include any activity during the time the device was deleted.

  • If a printer is deactivated but not deleted, the reports include information about the period it was inactive only after it is reactivated. In that case, after the reactivation, all the activity is accounted to users not authenticated in a single session. The reports cannot include printers' data while they are deactivated.

  • When an embedded terminal is installed on the printing device, accounting is also done for any direct/tandem print queues of the device.

  • When an embedded terminal is not installed or a device is used with a MyQ Hardware terminal, accounting is done via SNMP by the MyQ Print Server (depends on provided data via SNMP from the device).

Values calculation in the Meter reading via SNMP printers report

The values in this report are based on counters read directly from the printers.

  • Any printers monitored via MyQ Desktop Client are not included in the reports.

  • The highest and lowest values are compared for a selected period and printer/group of printers.

  • The total value displayed in the report is the summary of all the subtotal values, without Pages printed while the device was deactivated.

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