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List of Jobs

On the list of jobs on the Jobs main tab, you can see all print jobs and information about them.

Jobs display options

On the left side of the Jobs main tab, you can see the All jobs drop-down menu. On the menu you can select from the following options:

  • Ready - Displays jobs ready to print.

  • Paused - Displays paused jobs.

  • Printed - Displays printed jobs.

  • Favorite - Displays favorite jobs.

  • Failed jobs - Displays failed jobs.

  • Deleted - Displays deleted jobs.

  • All - Displays all jobs.

Job status

There are seven print job status types:

  • Processing - The job is being examined and prepared for printing.

  • Ready - The job has been placed on a print queue and is waiting for users to authorize it or for preceding jobs to finish.

  • Paused - The job has been manually paused by the user or automatically by the MyQ system.

  • Printing - The job is being sent to the printing device.

  • Printed - The job has been printed and is stored on the MyQ server. The print job is marked as Printed when it was completely sent to the printer. On a printer where MyQ can check actual printing results (printers with EMB terminal 8.1 and higher), this status is updated according to the printing results.

  • Failed - The job was either not parsed correctly, failed to be processed or had no metadata (not allowed) and failed to be printed. Failed jobs will be automatically deleted after the number of days set in the History section of your Log settings.

  • Deleted - The job has been deleted from the MyQ server.

Favorite jobs

All print jobs, except for the deleted ones, can be marked as Favorite. Favorite print jobs are only automatically deleted if this option is enabled in the System management settings, and remain permanently stored on the MyQ server, except for favorite jobs from external code books that are no longer available at the code book's data source.

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