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Alerts and Maintenance Reports

The following reports are included in the Alerts and Maintenance category:

Counter Analysis

This report shows the page counts per session, covering B&W pages, color pages, total pages, and scans by the user. It shows sessions where the counters reached or exceeded the predefined value.

The report is not available when Job Privacy is enabled.

Event History

This report shows the occurrence of predefined device errors and alerts. It only shows alerts that are turned on in Settings > Events in the MyQ Web UI.

Toner Replacement

This report shows the toner usage, the date the toner was installed or replaced, and the pages printed for each toner container.

The number displayed in the Toner replacement report in the Pages printed and Total counters columns depends on the toner it relates to:

  • Pages printed - The number of pages printed with the replaced toner. Only color pages for color toners (CMY) and all pages for black toners (K) are considered.

  • Total counters - Total counters of the printer related to the replaced toner. Color pages for color toners (CMY) and all pages for black toners (K) are considered.

Top N Alerts Summary

This report shows the most common errors and alerts. The number of alerts shown can be customized.

Charts are available for this report.

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