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Print Jobs Reports

Reports in this category should not be used for accounting purposes. Print Job reports display print jobs either as received by MyQ (for devices without an embedded terminal) or they reflect the printing parameters selected on the embedded terminal, rather than the final printed outcome.

The following reports are included in the Print Jobs category:

Daily Summary

This report shows the list of print jobs printed by user on a daily basis.

The report is not available when Job Privacy is enabled.

Expired and Deleted Jobs

This report shows the list of expired and deleted jobs.

This report supports aggregated columns.

The report is not available when Job Privacy is enabled.

Favorite Jobs

This report shows the list of user's favorite jobs.

The report is not available when Job Privacy is enabled.

Printed Jobs Summary

This report shows the list of all the print jobs printed by the user for a predefined period.

The report is not available when Job Privacy is enabled.

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