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Projects Reports

The following reports are included in the Projects category:

Counters by Function and Duplex(BETA)

This report shows counters per project by print/copy, color, and duplex.
The function field refers to whether a page was printed or copied.

Reports marked as BETA only contain data from Embedded Terminals running MyQ 8+. If some of your Embedded Terminals run earlier versions of MyQ, their data will not be included in the report.

The report is not available when Job Privacy is enabled.

Counters by Function and Paper Format(BETA)

This report shows counters per project by print/copy, color, and paper format.

The function field refers to whether a page was printed or copied.

Reports marked as BETA only contain data from Embedded Terminals running MyQ 8+. If some of your Embedded Terminals run earlier versions of MyQ, their data will not be included in the report.

The report is not available when Job Privacy is enabled.

Counters by Function Paper Format and Duplex(BETA)

This report shows counters per project by color, duplex, and paper format.

The function field refers to whether a page was printed or copied.

Reports marked as BETA only contain data from Embedded Terminals running MyQ 8+. If some of your Embedded Terminals run earlier versions of MyQ, their data will not be included in the report.

The report is not available when Job Privacy is enabled.

Daily Summary

This report shows the list of print jobs printed by project on a daily basis.

This report supports aggregated columns.

Day of the Week

This report shows a summary of the daily output based on the day of the week by project.

This report supports aggregated columns.

Monthly Summary

This report shows a summary of the monthly output by project.

This report supports aggregated columns.

Print Jobs per Project

This report shows the list of print jobs assigned to each project.

The report is not available when Job Privacy is enabled.

Project Groups Total Summary

This report shows the total output volume per project for a predefined period.

Projects per User

This report shows the output volume per user and project. The data is grouped by user.

This report supports aggregated columns.

The report is not available when Job Privacy is enabled.

Top N

This report shows the projects sorted by largest output volume.

Charts are available for this report. 

User Project Assignment

This report shows the list of projects assigned to each user.

The report is not available when Job Privacy is enabled.

Users per Project

This report shows the members of each project.

This report supports aggregated columns.

User Session Details

This report shows the list of all the user’s interactions on the device sorted by project.

This report supports aggregated columns.

The report is not available when Job Privacy is enabled.

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