Syntax of the Projects' CSV File
Each row must consist of six columns, separated by the delimiter set on the General settings tab, under Column delimiter in CSV. The file must contain a header row, otherwise an error occurs and the projects will not be imported. The order of the columns is irrelevant; each column is identified by its name in the header, which must always be in English, regardless of the language setting in MyQ.
1=project is added to MyQ
0 =project is added to MyQ as deleted.
code: unique code of the project
name: name of the project
groups: the path of the project in the hierarchy. Levels must be separated by the pipe character (|). If the column is empty, the project is created in or moved to the root of the hierarchy.
description: internal description of the project
users the users or groups of users allowed to use the project. Multiple entries should be separated by commas (,).