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Generate Support Data

In case you encounter a problem that requires help from the MyQ support team, you may be asked to provide more information about your MyQ system configuration, licenses, printer devices, terminals, etc. In such case, you need to generate a file, which contains multiple files with all the necessary information, and send it to the MyQ support team.

The .zip file includes the Logs folder which contains:

  1. MyQ log as XLSX

  2. MyQ-helpdesk.xml - XML file with all the necessary information about the MyQ configuration

  3. myq.exe dump files

  4. Logs, PM Server directories from MyQ's data folder.

  5. Logs with Windows events. Currently, there are two logs - one for the Application channel and one for the System channel. The included events are of Critical, Error, and Warning severity.

  6. Config.ini, traefic.custom.rules.yaml

The MyQ log file corresponds to the MyQ log that can be displayed on the MyQ Web Interface or in the MyQ Easy Config application, but they differ from each other.

To generate the file:

  1. Click Generate Support Data on the bar at the top-right of the Home dashboard. The Generate Support Data dialog box appears.

  2. In the dialog box, specify the Date range of the MyQ events to include in the MyQ-helpdesk file, and then click Export. The file is generated and saved to your Downloads folder.

Generate Support data - setting the timeframe for the data

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