There are ten predefined alerts on the Events settings tab. These correspond to common situations, such as empty toner or a printer out of paper, or to states of printing devices that require particular actions, such as technical support or supply check. They are triggered by the following states of a printing device:
Call service — The printing device requires authorized technical service.
Check supplies — Consumables of the printing device need to be checked.
Cover open or Paper jam — Either a device cover is open or a paper is jammed.
Out of paper — The printing device is out of paper.
Toner almost empty — One or more toners on the device are almost empty.
Toner empty — One or more toners on the device are empty.
Toner below 20%_C — The Cyan toner on the device is below 20%.
Toner below 20%_K — The Black toner on the device is below 20%.
Toner below 20%_M — The Magenta toner on the device is below 20%.
Toner below 20%_Y — The Yellow toner on the device is below 20%.
Changing the toner level to be monitored
The toner level to be monitored is set to 20% by default but can be easily changed following the instructions below:
On the alerts list on the Events tab, double-click the alert. The properties panel opens on the right side of the screen.
Change the value in the Level below field (in %).
Change the name of the alert according to the new monitored level.
Creating new events
To create a new event, click +Add and a select the type of event to be created.
Available event types:
SNMP alert - The SNMP alert event occurs when at least one of the predefined filter passes. If the event has no filters defined, it's never open. You can define the following filters: Code from, Code to, Severity, Training, Group, Group Index, Brand, Model.
Toner Status Monitor - The event occurs when the toner level decreases below a predefined threshold. When the toner level rises again to or above the threshold, the event is closed. The monitored toner (Black toner, Color toner, Any toner) can be configured.
Total Counter Increase - The event monitors when the print and copy counters on a device repeatedly reach a certain value. For each such event, two values need to be specified:
which type of counters should be monitored by this event; possible values are Print & Copy total, Print & Copy mono, Print & Copy color.
which repeatedly reached values should be monitored - this means that a value X needs to be specified and whenever the counters on a device reach a value that is evenly divisible by X, the actions are triggered
Toner Replacement - The event is used to predict toner depletion. For each such event, two values need to be specified:
Monitored toner (Cyan toner, Magenta toner, Yellow toner, Black toner)
Replacement in days: number of days that serve as threshold for triggering actions - this means that user specifies value X and whenever the predicted number of days left is less than or equal to this value, the associated actions get triggered
A properties panel opens to the right side of the screen. Fill in the mandatory information and click Save.