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Session Class

The session object is accessible via the MyQ() global function. The Session class has the following methods:


  • User getUserByUserName(string $userName) - Find a MyQ user by their user name. If no user is found, null is returned.

  • this logError(string $message) - Create an error message in the MyQ log.

  • this logWarning(string $message) - Create a warning message in the MyQ log.

  • this logInfo(string $message) - Create an info message in the MyQ log.

  • this logNotice(string $message) - Create a notice message in the MyQ log.

  • this logDebug(string $message) - Create a debug message in the MyQ log.

  • string getJobsPath() - Get the path to the folder on the MyQ server where the print job is stored. Ends with a backslash.

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