Easy Print Settings
The Easy Print terminal action allows users to print files without sending them first to MyQ. These files can be printed from multiple sources, like several cloud storages, network drives or local drives, and the user's default storage.
In order to use Easy Print, a new terminal action has to be created in MyQ > Settings > Terminal Actions.

Right-click on Home Screen, and point to Add action node into this folder in the shortcut menu. Another sub-menu with a list of available action nodes opens to the right.
On the sub-menu, select Easy Print. The new action node properties panel opens on the right side of the screen.
On the properties panel you can configure which sources should be available for the user, and the default release options. It is possible to create multiple instances of the Easy Print action, each one with different settings.
In the General tab, you can configure the Printers and Rights for the Easy Print terminal action, and define the Default print properties: Color, Duplex, Staple, Punch, Toner saving, and Copies.

In the Storages tab, click Add to add a new storage type. You can select from Cloud storage, Folder, and User’s storage.

The supported formats for Easy Print are: bmp, jfif, jpe, jpeg, jpg, mime, png, tif, tiff, txt, urf, and pdf.
If Microsoft Office suite or Libre Office are installed on the server, the Microsoft formats doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx and Libre Office formats are also supported. These are converted into PDF based on the settings in Jobs - General - Office file formats.
When Easy Print is used on the terminal, the user is presented with a list of possible sources associated with this action (this is skipped in case of a single source). After the source is selected, the user can browse it and select files for printing. For more information about how to connect these sources, see Easy Print Sources.

Once a file or files have been selected for printing, you can use the modify button to modify the print options (Color, Duplex, Staple, Punch, Toner saving, and Copies).
These options are listed on all terminals, regardless of whether or not the specific terminal can complete a particular action, so it’s possible that a selection made may be ignored.

Job Release Options
After pressing the print button, the files are downloaded from the source to the server, processed through the default Easy Print queue, and released immediately to the printer without any further interaction. It is also possible to cancel the whole downloading and printing process. In this case, files that have already been downloaded, but not printed are deleted from the server. Files that have already been printed remain on the server and it is possible to reprint them.

Vendor Compatibility Specifics
Easy Print compatibility may differ between brands. Please check the relevant terminal documentation for more details.