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Jobs via Raw Protocol Section

The RAW protocol is the default protocol for systems that do not use Windows OS and for standard TCP/IP.
The advantage of this protocol is that it sends data without further processing and has smaller packet headers.

As RAW comes without any job metadata, you must use a different port for each queue (starting from port 9100). The used ports are added to Windows Firewall.

Click +Add next to Port and select a port.

Make sure that the queue has the following settings:

  • User detection method: Select User detection from PJL, MyQ Desktop Client or Detect user from the job name

  • If User detection from PJL is selected, +Add the desired PJL variable(s) and regular expression(s)

Because there are no metadata, the queue is determined by the TCP port, the user always from the PJL and the sending computer is the client's IP address.

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