// script entry point
function main(){
// If the job is color, show a Yes/No dialog to ask if they want to print the job in B&W.
if ($this->job->color){
$this->dialogYesNo("Jobs sent to this queue are printed in B&W,
do you still want to send the job here?"); }
// If Yes clicked, the user is informed that the job was sent to the B&W queue via a MDC
function onYes(){
$this->job->owner->sendNotification("info","Job successfully sent","Your job was sent
to the B&W queue.");
// If No clicked, the job is deleted and the user is informed about it via a MDC
function onNo(){
$this->job->delete(); $this->job->owner->sendNotification("info","Job deleted","Your
job was deleted.");
Move job to a personal queue
// script entry point
function main() {
/** Job object */
$job = $this->job;
// Get the personal queues and create a list
$queues = $job->owner->getPersonalQueues();
$queueList = [];
foreach ($queues as $queue) {
$queueList[$queue->name] = $queue->name;
$list = $this->singleSelectList('Personal queues', $queueList);
$this->dialog('Select a queue', [
// If print clicked
function onPrint($inputs) {
$queue = $this->getField('Personal queues');
// If cancel clicked
function onCancel() {
// nothing. Job will be released.
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