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Deploy MDC with Intune

MyQ Desktop Client is a powerful tool that brings convenience to your printing and leverages failover strategies and print accounting.

If you are planning to implement the Desktop Client as part of your printing environment, automatic provisioning is a good option. It makes the Desktop Client instantly accessible on computers in your organization.

This not only unlocks the MDC’s features for your users, but also allows you to automatically provision printers and print drivers.

MyQ X Desktop Client illustration

Managed Installation (MDM)

The management of mobile devices, including smartphones, tablet computers, and laptops, is referred to as mobile device management. The Desktop Client can be provisioned to your users with MDM deployment tools.

Why provision the Desktop Client?


The MyQ Desktop client is installed and configured automatically on users' computers. Alternatively, it can be accessed and pre-configured for installation on the Company Portal if users prefer.

It is recommended to deploy the client automatically to ensure it is available to everyone for download.

Fallback Printing

It is recommended to use the Desktop Client as a fallback print solution in case of server downtime.

This can be achieved by installing the pre-configured client on all workstations to ensure that everyone has access to this method.


Provisioning the Desktop Client means that you have it under control.

You can easily identify which devices have the client installed, update all clients at once if needed, and ensure correct configuration easily.

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