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Upgrading MyQ

Like most software, MyQ works best if you keep it up to date. Doing so means you can expect the system to be in the best condition possible.

We recommend using the newest released major stable version and the latest patch for new deployments.

If you are upgrading an existing MyQ installation, you should prepare ahead of time to ensure a smooth transition.

Before Upgrade

What you should know before you start:

  • Expect a period of downtime that occurs during the upgrade procedure. Upgrades should be performed during off-hours to minimize the impact on your organization’s operations.

  • Review the Release notes of the version you are going to upgrade to so that you are informed about the latest changes.

  • Read the System requirements for your selected version.

  • Review the End-of-Life Policy.

Consult or initiate the upgrade through your MyQ provider. They can perform the upgrade for you or assist you with the procedure. This will minimize the downtime of your printing and document processing services.

Major Upgrades

Upgrading from older major/minor versions to newer ones will bring some noticeable changes to your environment since these versions come with several new features and improvements.

If you are upgrading from an obsolete MyQ version (older than 8.2), you may need to upgrade to one or more previous RTM versions first and continue from there to upgrade to the latest RTM release.

See the upgrade manuals below for guidance during your upgrade procedure.

Patch Upgrades

Patches contain bug fixes and smaller improvements for existing functionalities. It also always recommended to upgrade to the latest patch released.

In MyQ 10.1+, you can see whether there is a newer version of MyQ X available in the Updates widget on the MyQ Dashboard, which is relevant for your installed terminals as well as for the Print Server or Central Server.


Available patch update for Canon

Upgrade Recommendations

  • It is strongly recommended to create a backup before starting any upgrade. You may use the latest automatic backup created by a scheduled task, however, keep in mind that if you need to restore after the upgrade, data created from the time of the backup will be lost.

  • It is strongly recommended to upgrade in this order:

    1. Central Server (if in use)

    2. Print Server(s)

    3. Additional server applications (Mobile Print Agent, OCR server, etc.)

    4. Client applications (Desktop Client, Mobile Client, etc.)

Central-Site Upgrade

Always upgrade the Central Server first and the Site servers later. Backward compatibility ensures that it is possible to use older versions of Site servers with a newer Central server.

In some cases, it may be recommended to perform a Central Server upgrade to a specific version before upgrading your site servers. This is always noted in the version’s Release notes.

Upgrade of Clients and Tools

Always upgrade the MyQ servers before upgrading your clients due to possible backend changes (such as REST API or compatibility requirements). Older client versions can usually communicate with the newer server versions, but this may not be the case if you perform upgrades in the opposite order.

It is not necessary to upgrade other components such as the MyQ Desktop Client, OCR Server, and Mobile Client at the same time.

Upgrade Manuals and Guides

We have prepared upgrade manuals that guide you through the upgrade to your selected major or minor version of MyQ. Described are upgrade procedures for the Central Server and Print Server, as well as additional information regarding Embedded terminals and clients. Listed are requirements, prerequisites, changes, and individual steps to follow.

Following the upgrade steps one by one in the correct order will ensure the most reliable upgrade outcome. Though the process itself is simple, it should still be considered critical, and administrators should pay attention to every detail.

Consult or initiate the upgrade through your MyQ provider. They can perform the upgrade for you or assist you with the procedure. This will minimize the downtime of your printing and document processing services.

Upgrade Guides:

Upgrade guide to version 8.2.pdf

Upgrade guide to version 10.0.pdf

Upgrade guide to version 10.1.pdf

Upgrade guide to version 10.2.pdf

These manuals cover the following topics:

Central Server upgrade

  • Print Server in the Central Server mode

  • Central Server

  • Upgrade requirements

    • Software requirements

    • Hardware requirements

    • Support license requirements

    • Minimum version requirements

    • Customizations and custom reports

    • Backup

    • Free space

  • Upgrade steps

    • Disable scheduled tasks

    • Stop services

    • Verify nothing is running

  • Upgrade

Print Server upgrade

  • Upgrade requirements

    • Software requirements

    • Hardware requirements

    • Support license requirements

    • Minimum version requirements

    • Terminal packages

    • Check the compatibility of other applications

    • Customizations and custom reports

    • Important changes in recent versions

    • Backup

    • Free space

  • Upgrade steps

    • Disable scheduled tasks

    • Stop services

    • Verify nothing is running

  • Upgrade

  • Steps to be taken after upgrade

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