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Secure Authentication

Depending on the setup configured by the administrator, MyQ users have the flexibility to authenticate themselves on printing devices using various methods. This feature caters to diverse and high-security environments, including healthcare organizations, government entities, financial institutions, manufacturing companies, and many other industries. The implementation of secure print is universally advantageous, making it indispensable for organizations.


Supported Authentication Methods


Available authentication methods

Embedded Terminals

  • PIN

  • MyQ X Mobile Client (QR code)

  • Username + password

  • 2-step:

    • ID Card and PIN

    • ID Card and password

MyQ Desktop Client

  • System Single sign-on (Integrated Windows Authentication)

  • Username + PIN

  • Username + password

  • Sign in with Microsoft (Entra ID/Azure AD users)

MyQ X Mobile Client

  • Username + PIN

  • Username + password

  • Sign in with Microsoft (Entra ID/Azure AD users)

Web Interface

Print Server

  • Username + PIN

  • Username + password

  • Sign in with Microsoft (Entra ID/Azure AD users)

Central Server

  • Username + password

  • Sign in with Microsoft (Entra ID/Azure AD users)

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