Before Deployment
Some considerations should be made during the planning stage of deployment. These tackle topics such as selecting the right environment, system requirements, capacity planning, scalability, and network architecture.
Considerations Before You Start
Here are a few questions that should be answered before you start to assess what kind of print management solution is suitable for your organization:
Does your organization want to deploy on-premises, in a private/hybrid cloud, or in a public cloud?
Does your organization need only one Standalone server or more servers in different locations?
What is the expected size of the installation? Will it have to scale up, and how fast?
Is the network strength in all locations where MyQ will be used reliable?
What is your upgrade plan? How often can you upgrade your servers or devices?
What are the fallback and incident response measures you would like to implement?
On-premises vs Cloud
Running a print server on-premises or in the cloud has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately, the decision will depend on the specific needs and resources of your organization.
MyQ X in Private Cloud
MyQ X servers can be installed and run also on an Azure Virtual Machine, with a VPN tunnel connecting the physical network and Azure's virtual network.
Central Server can be run in Azure with on-premises Print Servers connected to it.
Central Servers and all Print Servers can be deployed in a private cloud.
Continue to Deployment in the Cloud for more information.
VPN connectivity between the Central Server and the Site Servers is not required.
System Requirements
The first steps of any deployment are deciding on your hardware, designing the network infrastructure, and storage options.
MyQ X is developed to be as lightweight as possible. However, your print environment will only be reliable if running on a system with enough resources available.
Depending on the size of your organization, the number of users and devices, and the required functionality, these requirements may differ significantly.
See also:
Find recommendations on hardware, storage, and network in System Requirements.
Number of Locations and Servers
Depending on the size of your organization, you will decide whether to run a standalone print server or more servers managed centrally.
The important factors that should be considered are:
Number of locations/branches to be managed.
Size of these locations in terms of the number of users and devices, time zone differences, and whether some physical locations can be consolidated under one print server.
Network infrastructure in your environment, requirements for VPN connections.
See also:
Read more about deployment scenarios for one or multiple locations and recommendations on the number of servers in Standalone vs Multi-Site Scenarios.
High Availability, Fallback & Incident Response
A stable network is the key to trouble-free print management. If you know the network in locations where MyQ will be running is not optimal, some of MyQ’s fallback features will come in handy. They offer a set of measures that allow users to continue working during maintenance and outages if enabled and properly configured in advance.
Server High Availability Features
Microsoft Failover Clustering
Virtual Machine Clustering (VMware Cluster)
Device Operation Fallback Features
Client Spooling
Device Spooling
Offline Login
Fallback Printing with the MyQ Desktop Client
Local port monitoring with the MyQ Desktop Client
See also:
Explore our documentation dedicated to VMHA (Virtual Machine High Availability) to understand how MyQ can be protected when network issues occur.
Find resources on how to deploy these fallback & failover components in High Availability, Fallback & Failover.
MyQ X Version
While we always recommend deploying the latest MyQ X released as RTM, we understand that some environments prefer to run LTS versions with a longer life cycle. The correct approach should be considered at this stage.
Release Strategy
A few quick points on how MyQ handles releasing new versions:
Major and minor versions of the MyQ Print Server and MyQ Central Server, containing new large and impactful features, are released around the same time, approximately once or twice a year (e.g. 8.2, 10.0, 10.1, 10.2).
Patch versions with improvements and bug fixes are released based on current needs, and approximately once per month (e.g. 8.2 (patch 30), 10.1 (patch 1)).
LTS versions are maintained longer, and when an LTS reaches end-of-life, a new LTS is announced (e.g. 8.2 and 10.2).
Changes are noted in the product’s Release notes.
New versions are published on the Community Portal in the Downloads section.
See also:
Read the MyQ End-Of-Life Policy and maybe also check our Release notes to decide on your Upgrade strategy.
See our Upgrade manuals for the recommended steps on how to proceed with installing a newer version of the MyQ Servers and apps.