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High Availability, Fallback & Failover

Incident response is an essential part of every IT operation.

MyQ is offering features that aim to help organizations keep their operations going even when the print server may be not available at that moment.

High-availability solutions are essential for businesses and organizations that need to ensure minimal disruption and maximize uptime.

MyQ X’s High-Availability Solutions

Choose the Right Print & Device Operation Failover Features

MyQ X offers a set of features that can act as fallback measures and failover options in case of an incident resulting in printer server downtime or weak connection. However, it is important to select the right features before the occurrence of such incidents and configure them properly.

Network Optimization

Decrease the load on your network.

Client Spooling

With the MyQ Desktop Client

(plus) Lightweight solution for document spooling directly to devices (IP direct printing).

(plus) Jobs do not travel to a centralized location over the network.

(minus) Requires the MyQ Desktop Client.

Device Spooling

Keep printing to Embedded-equipped devices directly

Kyocera and Ricoh devices only

(plus) Allows printing directly to multifunctional network devices while still offering authenticated pull print and accounting features.

(plus) Jobs do not travel to a centralized location over the network.

(minus) May necessitate higher requirements regarding the device’s storage.

Complete Server Downtime

Stay operational without a server.

Offline login

Access print jobs and device native operations during server downtime

Kyocera, Ricoh, and Canon devices only

(plus) Allows users to continue logging in on devices even when the server is currently not online.

(plus) Users can unlock the device’s native panel and print, scan, and copy.

(lightbulb) With Device Spooling also enabled, users can direct spooled documents to devices with the embedded terminal, and thanks to Offline Login, authenticate to release pull print jobs securely.

(minus) Some operations, such as Easy actions, still require the server to be online and are not accessible with Offline login.

Device Spooling

Keep printing to Embedded-equipped devices with dedicated fallback settings

Kyocera and Ricoh devices only

(plus) Allows users to continue printing to multifunctional network devices during server downtime, including hold and pull printing methods, giving users the ability to send documents from one device to another depending on when they request to print them.

(plus) The Embedded Terminal takes care of accounting and reports to the Print Server once connected again.

(lightbulb) If Offline Login is also configured, the embedded terminal is capable of handling user authentication without the server; meaning secure authenticated print release is retained.

(minus) On its own, this is a solution only for printing during server downtime.

Fallback Printing

Keep printing to any device and monitor jobs with the Desktop Client

(plus) Method to offer a user substitute printers configured for fallback printing.

(plus) Can be combined with other failover features (Device Spooling, Client Spooling and Offline Login).

(plus) Secure hold and pull print are still available with this method.

(minus) Requires the MyQ Desktop Client.

(minus) The Embedded Terminals are required if combined with the Device Spooling capability.

Local print monitoring

Keep printing on personal devices

(plus) If users have local printers connected to their computers, they can keep printing and no accounting is lost even during server downtime as the Desktop Client monitors local jobs.

(minus) The set of features available to the user is limited due to the nature of smaller devices and the lack of Embedded Terminals.

Top print failover combination

Combine failover and fallback features

You can combine the features mentioned above if your environment allows it.

Offline Login + Device Spooling + Client Spooling + Fallback Printing

This combination will be efficient for many organizations that need to remain operational and continue printing during downtime.

Read how to combine these fallback and failover methods – Offline Login, Client Spooling (“print to MDC”), Fallback Printing with Device Spooling, and what it brings to you and your users.

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