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Automatic Printer Provisioning with MyQ Desktop Client

Installing printers and print drivers manually can be tedious, especially if you are setting up printing for a whole department or an entire company. You need to not only prepare the correct drivers for devices you have in your environment but then install Windows or macOS printers on each computer, install these print drivers, and test if everything works as you want.

Printer provisioning allows you to always deliver the right printers to your users. Together with the rest of advanced MyQ X’s Quick Deployment features, such as Printer Discovery and MyQ Desktop Client’s configuration profiles, the entire process can be largely automated.

  • Install and Update Printers in Domain Environments.

  • Install and Update Printers for BYOD Devices.

  • Deploy Print to both Windows and MacOS.

  • Update Available Printers on the Fly.

How To Get Started

1️⃣ Deploy MyQ Desktop Client

To start with printer provisioning, you should start using the MyQ Desktop Client in your organization.

MDC is used for creating print driver configuration profiles as well as for installing drivers on target machines.

2️⃣ Capture and upload drivers

You install print drivers and assign them to printers, simply configure printers the way you would manually.

With the Desktop Client, you then create print driver configuration profiles and upload your drivers.

3️⃣ Assign and deploy queues

Once your print drivers are stored in the MyQ driver store, you can attach these driver profiles to selected queues.

The rest will happen automatically. Users running MDC will be provisioning the correct printers.

System Requirements

Printer provisioning is compatible with a wide range of drivers, encompassing print languages like PostScript, PCL5, PCL5e, and PCL6. Generally speaking, the majority of print drivers should be supported.

The printer on the template OS which uses the driver you want to upload to MyQ must use a TCP/IP port (either LPR or RAW). If the port name is an existing queue in MyQ, it will be automatically assigned to this queue, and can be immediately deployed by MDC to computers.

See also the System Requirements for the MyQ Desktop Client itself.

Configure Printer Provisions and Print Driver Deployment

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