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Setting up the PayPal payment option

To set up PayPal as a payment option, you have to create a new App to link your company's PayPal business account with MyQ, and then set up the PayPal payment option on the MyQ Web Interface.

Create a new REST API app in the PayPal Developer environment

  1. Log in to the PayPal Developer environment ( with your PayPal Business account's credentials, and then open the Dashboard.

  2. On the Dashboard, under MyApps & Credentials, create a new REST API app. The new app's settings tab opens.

    Creating a new REST API app
  3. Select Live at the upper-right corner of the tab, and remember (copy) the app's Client ID and Secret. The credentials will be used to connect the account to MyQ.

    Live API credentials

Set up the PayPal payment option on the MyQ Web Interface

  1. Open the Credit settings tab (MyQ, Settings, Credit).

  2. On the tab, under Payment providers, double-click the PayPal payment provider. The PayPal properties panel opens on the right side of the tab.

  3. The value of the Currency setting corresponds to the currency set on the General settings tab on the MyQ Web Interface.

    Currency setting in General settings and PayPal properties
  4. Type the minimal amount that users will have to pay when they buy credit.

  5. Enter the Client ID of the REST API app into the Client ID text box on the PayPal properties panel and the Secret into the Security key text box below it.

    Adding API credentials in PayPal properties
  6. Make sure that the LIVE Mode is selected, and then click Save. (The SANDBOX mode is used only for testing purposes).

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