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Attaching watermark collections to queues

You can attach a watermark collection to a queue either within the setup of the collection, or within the setup of the queue.

Each queue can have only one watermark collection attached to it.

Attaching watermark collections to queues within the setup of the queues

The collection can be selected on the Job processing tab of the properties panel of the queue. To open the properties panel, go to MyQ, Queues, and then double-click the queue on the list. On the Job processing tab, in the Watermark section, select the Watermark from the drop-down, and then click Save.

Adding watermarks to a queue

Attaching watermark collections to queues within the setup of the collections

To assign a new queue to a watermark collection, select it on the on the list on the Jobs settings tab, under Watermark collections, and click Edit.

  1. On the properties panel of the watermark collection, click Queues. The Queues tab opens.

  2. On the tab, click +Add. A dialog box with a selection of queues appears.

  3. Select the queue from the drop-down, and then click OK.

Adding queues to a watermark collection


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