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Users Settings

In the Users settings tab (MyQ, Settings, Users), the MyQ administrator can manage MyQ users’ General settings, New user registration settings, and MyQ Account lockout options.

Users settings tab

General section

  • Enable user profile editing - If enabled, users will be able to change their full name and email. For more information, check Enable user profile editing.

  • Show more info about user profile - If enabled, the User profile widget will contain more user-related information (Personal number, Phone, PIN, Card, Aliases, Notes).

  • Enable personal queues settings - If enabled, users can use personal queues. For more information, check Personal Queues.

  • Enable delegate changes - If enabled, users will be able to change their delegates. For more information, check Delegated Printing.

  • Enable deleting all ID cards - If enabled, users will be able to delete all their ID cards.

If all of the above are enabled, the users can view additional user information, Edit their account, Delete all ID cards, and use Personal Queues in their User profile widget:

User profile widget with all the options enabled

New user registration section

In this section, the MyQ administrator can enable automatic user registration to MyQ in multiple ways, For more information, check Automatic user registration.

Account lockout section

In this section, the MyQ administrator can set the number of failed login Attempts before lockout (5 by default), and the Lockout time in minutes (15 minutes by default).

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