Jobs via IPPS
To use Jobs via IPPS you should first adjust the following:
Make sure that the IPP client is enabled on your machine. For example, on Windows 10, this should be enabled by default, but on Windows Servers, you need to enable it explicitly:
Control Panel - Programs - Turn Windows features on or off - in the dialog, click Next until you get to the features tab - Install "Internet Printing Client", and Restart the machine.
Next, you need to install the MyQ certificate on your machine. For example, in MyQ Server 8.2+, you can create a self-signed certificate in the following way (check here for more info):
Go to MyQ, Settings, Communication Security. Select Built-in Certificate Authority, add your host name as a Subject Alternative Name (SAN), click Generate new, click Save, and then Export.
Install the certificate and place it into Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
Restart all MyQ services.
Enable Jobs via IPPS in MyQ, Settings, Jobs, Jobs via IPPS.
The feature is available on Windows, Linux, Chromebooks and Mac PCs. For all of them you need to adjust the URL https://{hostname}:{port}/queue/{queue-name} to your own needs to get IPPS working. For the port number use the one set in MyQ, Jobs, Jobs via IPPS (8631 by default).
PM Server uses the 631 port for IPP print and 717 for IPPS and cannot be changed (see MyQ, Settings, Network, PM Server), so these values cannot be used for MyQ IPPS printing.
The maximum job size received over IPPS is unlimited.