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Scan to OneDrive

To enable scanning to OneDrive:

  1. Select the Cloud storage option in the Type drop-down.

  2. Select the OneDrive option in the Type drop-down under Parameters. Select the Browse folders option if you want users to be able to browse one of their cloud destinations folder on the device.

  3. Click Save.

Scan to OneDrive settings


If the following two conditions are met, the cloud storage widget is displayed on the Home screen of the user logged on the MyQ Web Interface:

  • There is at least one Easy Scan terminal action with this destination.

  • The user has rights to see the Easy Scan button or is connected to cloud drive.

MyQ Web UI, OneDrive widget

To be able to store the outgoing scan file on OneDrive, the user has to be connected.

To connect to OneDrive, the user has to perform the following actions:

  1. Log in to the MyQ Web User Interface with your user account.

  2. On the Cloud storage widget, click Connect. The Cloud storage dialog box appears.

  3. Click Login to the cloud storage.

  4. Sign-in to OneDrive and confirm permissions (when asked about the permissions, click Yes).

  5. Copy the given code.

  6. Paste the code to the MyQ Cloud storage login dialog.

  7. Click OK to connect the cloud storage to MyQ. The OneDrive connection status changes to Connected.


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