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User properties and synchronization options

User properties in MyQ

  • User name: Name of the user account in MyQ. In Active directory and Open LDAP, this property corresponds to the samaccountname user attribute on the LDAP server.

  • Full name: This is the full name of the user. In Active directory and Open LDAP, this property corresponds to the cn user attribute on the LDAP server. Usually, it is the given name and the surname of the user.

  • Alias: In addition to their user name, each user can have a number of aliases. MyQ treats aliases as alternative user names. You can use aliases, for example, if you need to enable one user to send jobs to MyQ from different OS accounts.

  • Card: The number of the user’s identification card. It can be either imported from LDAP or added to MyQ on the user’s properties panel. Also, it can be registered by an administrator on a card reader connected to a USB slot or registered by the user on an embedded terminal.

  • PIN: The MyQ personal identification number is used for access to MyQ Web Interface and MyQ terminals.

  • Personal number: The personal number can be used as the user ID in MyQ. The primary ID is the user name property. If you select the Pair by the personal number property during the user synchronization, the personal number is used instead.

  • Email: The user's primary email address.

  • Notes: You can use this text box to enter additional notes concerning the user.

  • Language: The language used on the user's MyQ Web Interface and their home screen on the embedded terminal.

  • User's storage: You can select a folder or one or more email addresses where MyQ sends the user's scans. Depending on the scanning setup, scans can be sent here, to the user primary email set in the Email property text box, or to other sources defined in MyQ or entered by the scanning users.

User synchronization options

  • Deactivate missing users: If you select this option, MyQ deletes users that are imported from the current synchronization source and that are not in the source anymore. To delete users that were added from different sources, select the Ignore synchronization source option together with this option.

  • Add new users: If you select this option, MyQ adds new users from the current synchronization source. If you do not select it, MyQ updates the user accounts of the users who are already in MyQ, but does not add any new users.

  • Convert user name to lowercase: Unlike some other systems that do not differ between two words with the same letters but different cases (such as "Pear", "pear"), MyQ is case sensitive. You can use the Convert user name to lowercase option to prevent creating multiple accounts for one user.

  • Use authentication server: If you select this option and a user logs in by entering their username and password, the credentials are not authenticated against the MyQ database, but instead against an LDAP or Radius server. If you synchronize users via LDAP, the source LDAP server is automatically assigned as
    the authentication server. If you synchronize users via CSV, you can select the authentication server from the list of predefined authentication servers.

  • Pair by the personal number: If you select this option, MyQ identifies users by their personal number instead of their user names. This way you can keep track of a single user with different names in different sources or a user whose name has changed for some reason. For example, if this option is activated and a username in LDAP changes from cat.stevens to yusuf.islam, MyQ does not create a new user account, but recognizes the old user by their personal number.

  • Ignore synchronization source: If this option is not selected, MyQ recognizes two users from different synchronization sources as two different entities. This can cause conflicts during synchronizations from multiple sources. If it is selected, MyQ ignores the synchronization sources and treats all users the same, regardless of their synchronization source. For example, if you run a synchronization and MyQ would import/update a user that has been already added from a different synchronization source, it does not update the user. Instead, it shows the message The name/alias "X" is already used by the user "X" among the synchronization results. After you select the Ignore synchronization source option, the user is updated by the latest synchronization.
    If you select this option together with the Deactivate missing users option, all users that were added from different sources and are not in the current synchronization source are deleted during the synchronization.

  • Append the domain name to the username (username@domain.local): With this option selected, the name of the domain can be retrieved from the MyQ username. The information about the domain may be needed for example, when scanning to users' home folders is used on an embedded terminal.

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