MyQ X is compliant with ISO 27001:2017 — a well-known standard for information security management systems.
MyQ X is compliant with GDPR — a regulation for data protection and privacy for users.
MyQ X is built using the Secure Development Life Cycle (SDLC). We think deeply about security and privacy at every step of the development lifecycle. We constantly monitor the state of the art in security. We use industry standards for secure communication, authentication and authorization, such as TLS or token-based authentication.
We apply security principles such as Least Privileges Principal or Zero Trust Architecture during design. We regularly train our employees on OWASP Top 10 most critical security risks.
We perform Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and secure code reviews. We publish Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for our products and automatically check the SBOM against vulnerability databases such as CWE.
All of our binaries are signed with a code signing certificate. We publish hashes for each release to ensure the integrity of installation packages.
MyQ X releases are automatically penetration tested with Qualys.
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