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Software Bill of Materials

A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is a detailed record of all the components, dependencies, and libraries included in a software application, whether they are open-source or proprietary. It provides key information such as component names, versions, licenses, and source locations, offering full visibility into the software's supply chain.

SBOMs are used to track and manage software risks by allowing organizations to quickly identify vulnerable or outdated components, ensuring compliance with licensing, and improving overall security. Maintaining an SBOM is especially critical in complex software ecosystems, as it helps streamline vulnerability management and ensures transparency across the software development lifecycle.

By consistently generating, analyzing, and maintaining SBOMs, organizations can better manage software risks and ensure compliance with security and regulatory standards.

BOM (Bill of Materials) formats refer to standardized structures that represent and share the components of a software system. In the Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) context, these formats provide a machine-readable way to describe software components, their relationships, and metadata. The most widely used SBOM formats include:

  • CycloneDX: A lightweight and extensible BOM format specifically designed for application security. It provides detailed information about components, licenses, vulnerabilities, and dependencies. CycloneDX is popular for its flexibility and support for automation in security and risk management workflows.

MyQ provides SBOM for the following products:

  • MyQ X Central Server 10.2

  • MyQ X Print Server 10.2

  • MyQ Desktop Client (MDC) 10.2

  • Mobile Print Agent (MPA) 1.3

  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) 3.1

To receive the SBOMs from MyQ, contact our support.

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