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Uploading SSL certificates

An SSL certificate is a data file necessary for secure network communication.

A default MyQ SSL certificate is part of the installation. If you want to use the default MyQ SSL certificate, you need to generate a Java trust store file and upload it to the terminal using the MyQ Terminal Manager application.

If you want to use your own certificate, you have to replace the default certificate on the MyQ server. After this, you need to generate a Java trust store file and upload it to the terminal using the MyQ Terminal Manager application.

For information on how to replace the MyQ default certificate, see the MyQ Print Server guide.

To generate the Java trust store file:

The following procedure requires Java JDK 1.7+.

  1. Check if the \bin folder of your Java installation contains the cacerts file. If it does, delete the file.

  2. Open the Command Prompt, and then type and submit the following command:
    "<java_path>keytool.exe -import -file <cert_path> -alias MyQ -keystore cacerts"
    where <java_path> is the path to your Java installation and <cert_path> is the path to your certificate.

  3. When prompted for a password, type "bLiz6joT".

  4. Retype the password.

  5. When the "Trust this certificate?" prompt appears, type "yes".

  6. A new cacerts file will be created in the \bin folder of your Java installation.

To upload the generated Java trust store file

  1. Open MyQ Terminal Manager.

  2. Select the terminal where you want to upload the cacerts file generated in the previous process.

  3. Under Upload Java trust store to terminal, browse for the generated cacerts file.

  4. Click Upload.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Reboot the terminal.

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