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Desktop Client

MyQ Desktop client

MyQ Desktop Client (for Windows or macOS) is a software client of the MyQ server. Once installed on your workstation, it provides you with the following MyQ features:

  • User Identification - you are identified via multiple authentication methods.

  • User Account Information - once authenticated, you can view your account information, along with your credit and quota status.

  • Job Management - print jobs management related to payment accounts (credit, quota, cost center selection), project management, and user interaction via custom scripts.

  • Client Printing Options - Client Spooling, Secure Printing, Local Print Monitoring, Fallback Printing, Offline Operation.

User Identification

One of the essential functions of the MyQ Desktop Client application is identifying the MyQ user on the computer where it is installed. Thanks to this identification, MyQ Desktop Client can mediate communication between you and the MyQ server; it can inform you about the state of your account, it enables you to manage your print jobs, and it also enables the server to determine the job sender.


With the Login authentication method selected, you can open the sign-in options by clicking Login in the application's window (to open the application's window, click the MyQ icon on the Windows or macOS system tray). Each time a job is sent to the queue with the respective user detection method (either Prompt for a PIN/Card, or Prompt for a user and password), you are automatically prompted to log in.


If enabled by your administrator, you can also use your Microsoft work account to log in.


Once in a while, you might be asked to sign in again with your account. This happens primarily when:

  • The Desktop Client does not run for a longer period (30 days) and your login expired.

  • You are using a public computer where your login will be remembered only for the time needed to submit a document for print (usually 1 minute).

Windows Single Sign-on

With the Windows single sign-on authentication method selected, you are identified as the currently opened OS account user, and you are automatically logged in MyQ Desktop Client.

MyQ Desktop Client login

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