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With the credit accounting feature activated, you can copy, print, and scan only if you have enough credit on your account in MyQ.

Recharge and credit options are only visible if credit is enabled by your administrator.

Check Your Credit

Your Credit in MyQ Web UI

You can open the Credit Statement tab either by clicking Credit Statement on the Credit widget, or by clicking on the MyQ menu, and selecting Credit Statement.

  • On the Credit widget added to your dashboard. If you cannot see this widget, you can add it using the guide here.

    Credit widget
  • From the main menu, click Credit Statement.

    Main menu - Credit Statement

    On the left side, you can set a specific Date, select a specific Payment Provider, and click Search, to search for specific credit transactions.

    In the search results, you can view the ID, Date, Type, Credit balance, Value, and Payment provider used for the credit transaction.

Searching for specific credit transactions

Your Credit in MyQ Desktop Client

If credit accounting is enabled on the MyQ server and applied to the user, they can also see the current state of their credit.

user account information with credit

Your Credit in MyQ Mobile Application

You can see your credit in the Account balance section on the Home screen.

Account balance in the mobile application

Recharge Your Credit

Based on the setup and properties of the printing environment, a variety of recharge methods may be employed:

In MyQ Web UI

You may not have permission to recharge your credit; check with your admin.

To recharge your credit:

  1. Go to the Credit widget and click Recharge credit.

    Recharge credit option in the Credit widget
  2. Select the payment provider and enter the amount, then click Recharge credit.

    Selecting the payment provider and the amount for credit recharge

In the Terminal

Another option for recharging your credit is doing it in the terminal.

After tapping the Recharge Credit action, the Recharge Credit screen opens and you can enter the recharge code from your voucher.

Recharge credit in the terminal
MyQ Voucher

You can view the prices of different configurations of a printed page by tapping the Coins in the upper-right corner of the screen.

Jobs price list on the terminal

In the Mobile Application

You can recharge your credit in the MyQ Mobile App using vouchers.

In the Account balance section, tap RECHARGE.

Recharge option in the mobile application

Enter the code from your credit voucher, and then tap RECHARGE.

Entering the voucher code to recharge the credit

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