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Release Notes

MyQ OCR Server 2.4

MyQ OCR Server 2.4 (Patch 3)


  • EULA Updated.

Bug Fixes

  • Quality of German Recognition.

  • Page size dimensions larger than original scanned page.

MyQ OCR Server 2.4 LTS


  • EULA was changed.

Bug Fixes

  • Installation folder with all files are completely deleted during uninstallation..

  • Fixed Tesseract engine, error message "Cannot extract embedded Font "GlyphLessFont"" is no longer happens, when processed file by Tesseract engine is opened in Acrobat Reader.

  • Fxed issue when the scan is process by Tesseract engine, the output PDF file has a red HiQPdfEvaluation watermark on each page in the top left corner.

Component Versions

3rd-Party External Applications

OCR 2.4.3

.NET Framework





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