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System Requirements

The following specifications are required to set up and run MyQ OCR Server 2.4.

OCR engines

Within the installation of the server, you can select from three OCR engines:

  1. The Tesseract engine is free but it supports only the searchable PDF output format.

  2. The ABBYY engine requires a paid license and supports multiple output formats.

  3. The AI Invoice Recognition is an OCR service that extracts data from scanned invoices and saves them within the MyQ metadata XML file. The built-in key is provided to run a Rossum service.


Licenses are only required for the ABBYY engine. For information on how to purchase them, contact the MyQ Sales department. For activation of the ABBY license, enter the key in MyQ OCR and click Activate or check . The used ports are hard-coded and cannot be changed.


  • Operating System:

    • Windows Server 2012/2012 R2/2016/2019/2022, with all the latest updates; only 64bit OS supported.

    • Windows 8.1/ 10/ 11, with all the latest updates; only 64bit OS supported.

  • Required level of privileges: user with administrator rights.

  • Memory for processing multi-page documents: 1GB RAM minimum, 1,5GB recommended.

  • HDD space: 1.6 GB for the installation.

  • If the ABBYY OCR engine is used, an internet connection is required for activation.

  • If the AI Invoice Recognition engine is used, an internet connection is required for both the activation and run of the OCR server.

  • It is recommended to deploy the OCR server on a dedicated server.

  • OCR Service is registered after the installation and, by default, is running under the Local System account.

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