The proper function of the MyQ HP embedded terminal depends on the below:
.NET 4.7.2 or higher needs to be installed on MyQ Print server.
The latest firmware needs to be installed on the printing device.
The administrator's password has to be set on the printing device.
The printing device's IP or Hostname must be valid.
The server must be reachable in the network through network names.
The correct time and date must be set on the printing device to avoid issues with the Scan to Me functionality.
HP devices with the firmware version FutureSmart 4.10+ to use MyQ Embedded terminal.
MyQ HP Embedded terminal 10.2 is supported on MyQ Print server 10.2 patch 8 and newer.
For information about communication protocols and ports, check the MyQ Print Server guide.
The easiest way to install the MyQ HP Embedded terminal is via remote installation from the MyQ Web administrator interface. This method is very simple and it is preferable, especially when you need to install the terminal on a large number of printing devices, since you can install multiple devices in a batch.
You do this by creating separate printer discoveries and adding a configuration profile to any one of them. At the same time, you can assign the discovered printers to a group and/or queue. Another possibility is to create a remote installation for just one printer and place it in a direct queue.
Before the installation, make sure that the server hostname/IP address in MyQ, Settings, Network is correct. If it’s not, which could happen after a license update or upgrade, the remote setup will fail.

Remote installation via Printer Discovery
Follow the instructions in the MyQ Print Server guide to create and configure a Printer Discovery.
Then, you should create a configuration profile to attach to your Printer Discovery.
The HP section is displayed when the HP terminal package is installed on the MyQ server. Applying the changes in the HP section on the terminal require a force remote configuration of the device.

It is possible to change the Local Admin Pin. When the field is empty, the default value 1087 is used.
With the Don’t connect to Quota server option enabled, the terminal won’t connect to the Quota server to control resources (credit, quota). In some scenarios it can lead to spending more resources than available and credit and/or quota status go to negative values. This feature should not be used if the credit or quota functionality is enabled.
With the Configure HP readers by MyQ option enabled, the settings from HP Package Manager are applied to the HP Card Reader settings. If this option is disabled, the settings from HP Package Manager are ignored during remote configuration and the HP card readers configuration isn’t changed. This option is applied on HP card readers only.
The Change settings of HP readers link opens the HP Package Manager page where you can configure HP card readers.
The Manage supported card readers link opens the HP Package Manager page where you can manage supported card readers.
Remote installation via manual setup
The terminal is automatically assigned within the remote installation on the MyQ Web Administrator interface, but if you perform a manual installation instead, you have to assign the terminal to the printing device on the device's properties panel on the Printers main tab. This needs to be done for each printing device separately.
Go to MyQ, Printers. The printers overview tab opens.
Right-click on a printer and select Set configuration profile. The set configuration profile window opens.
Select a configuration profile from the drop-down.
Click OK. The profile is added to the properties. You can check it when you right-click the printer and select Properties.
Right-click the printer and select Activate.