Update and Uninstallation
Updating the Terminal
Updating the terminal is done on the MyQ web administrator interface. MyQ Server 8.2 patch 6 or higher is required.
Check Terminal packages in the MyQ Print Server guide for further details.
Uninstalling the Terminal
MyQ embedded terminals can be uninstalled on the MyQ Web Administrator interface or by forcing a factory reset on the printing device. In the first case, even if the terminal is uninstalled, all of the device settings can be preserved for future use, whereas after a device reset, all the settings are lost and the device returns to its default factory state.
To remotely uninstall an embedded terminal from the MyQ Web administrator interface, follow the steps below. Before the uninstallation, make sure that the HP installation package is uploaded on the server and the HP service is running.
Go to MyQ, Settings, Configuration Profiles. Choose the profile and click Edit (or double-click or right click and Edit). The properties panel opens on the right side. In the Terminal tab, change the Terminal type to None. Click Save.
As long as the HP terminal package is uploaded on the MyQ server, the HP service remains in Windows and is visible in the MyQ Easy Config application. If you do not run any HP Embedded terminals on the server and want to remove the service, Delete the HP installation package from the Printers & Terminals settings tab in the MyQ Web administrator interface (MyQ, Settings, Printers & Terminals).