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Document Automation and OCR

Automated Document Processing and OCR (Optical Character Recognition) are no longer limited to huge and wealthy corporations. Companies around the globe and in various industries are increasingly implementing these options that save time and money.

When digitization was still a new and somewhat intimidating term, people assumed that the associated technologies were complex and expensive. How could they not be – they required numerous resources and extensive configurations.

These times are gone. Organizations require easy access to data, fast collaboration, and instant results. Processes that used to take hours can now be completed in a matter of minutes. Of course, these advancements include document processing.

What is OCR?

Optical character recognition or optical character reader is the electronic or mechanical conversion of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text, whether from a scanned document, a photo of a document, a scene photo or from subtitle text superimposed on an image.

In short, OCR takes the text from an image or scanned document and renders it into text that computer software can process and work with. For example, scanned pages of a novel can be converted into a searchable PDF document.

OCR Made Easy

By combining Easy Scan with an OCR server, you can create one-click capture & OCR workflows in no time.

  • Don’t have an OCR server? Take a look at the OCR Server MyQ provides for free.

  • Already have an OCR solution? Just plug it into MyQ X to use it to process Easy Scan documents.

MyQ OCR Server

MyQ X offers its own OCR Server that can be easily incorporated into your environment.

Run it, connect it to your MyQ Print Server, and let it perform OCR for you.

It uses the powerful Tesseract engine which supports more than 60 languages and can output searchable PDF and text files.

Self-Hosted and Secure

The MyQ OCR Server performs all processing locally, meaning that no document leaves the premises of your organization.

The fewer steps there are between the original and its digital copy, the better the security of sensitive data.

PDF for Archiving (PDF-A)

Standard PDFs may not fulfill all your needs if you need to archive your captured documents for a long period of time.

PDF-A, a format the OCR Server can produce, is a self-contained format that contains all the information necessary to be viewed no matter the environment.

As an ISO standard, it ensures large support across applications, and for this reason is trusted by libraries, governments, and other industries that need a long-term document format.

Simplified Automation of Document Processing

Thanks to special metadata that can be generated alongside a scanned file, your scanning can be connected to a document management system (DMS).

Metadata is information about the document such as the author, date, device, and more, including parameters the user can select when performing the scan. DMS can simply read the metadata and trigger various workflows for automatic document processing.

Example: Submitting an invoice for approval

A receipt is scanned to a hot folder and delivered together with a metadata file. A 3rd party solution such as Power Automate can be plugged into the workflow.

The automation tool takes the scanned document and reads its metadata file. It recognizes the user who sent the request and the project that was selected on the Embedded Terminal when they scanned the document, it reads “Receipt Approval”.

The tool is set up to route receipt approval submissions to the employee’s manager. They can receive the receipt as an email and a copy can be sent to the organization’s Invoice Approval Software (IAS) such as FreshBooks or another Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system.

Looking for more advanced features?

Does your organization require zonal OCR, barcode reading, PDF signing, and more? You might be interested in MyQ Ultimate which offers additional features and complex workflows.

Read about MyQ Ultimate it on our website or in the Overview of Smart Workflows.

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