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Setting Idle Logout Time

The idle logout period can be changed on the device Web UI. The time before the logout depends on the Touch User Interface System Timeout setting on the printing device's web user interface. Every touch of the device touch panel display prolongs this timeout.

Xerox EIP 3.7

  1. Log on to the printing device's web user interface as an administrator.

  2. On the System tab, click Timeouts. The Timeouts dialog box opens.

    System setting on the EIP 3.7 web UI
  3. Under Reset Device Control Panel, set System Timeout to the preferred value (between 10 and 900 seconds), and click OK.

    System timeout setting on the EIP 3.7 web UI

Xerox EIP 4.0/5.1

  1. Log on to the printing device's web user interface as an administrator.

  2. Open the Properties tab and select Security>Timeout & Resume on the left-hand panel.

  3. Enter the desired timeouts and click Save.

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