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Your Address Book

You can create a manage an address book, to be used for Easy Scan or Easy Fax.

Accessing and Using the Address Book

  1. Log in to MyQ.

  2. In the main menu, select Address Book.

    Main menu - Address Book
  3. Here, you will see your contact list with available columns: Full name, Email, and Fax number.

    Address Book - contacts

Managing Contacts

  1. To add a contact, click on Add contact. A pop-up appears where you can enter the contact's Full Name, Email, and Fax Number.

    Adding a new contact
    Add contact confirmation dialogue
  2. To edit or remove a contact, locate the contact from the list and choose the respective option.

    Deleting a contact
  3. For searches, use the left panel. Options available: All Contacts, Email Contacts, Fax Contacts, and Deleted.

  4. In the Deleted section, you can either Undelete or Permanently Remove a contact.

Using Address Book in Easy Scan

  1. Log in to the terminal.

  2. Choose Easy Scan.

  3. In the parameters, select the Address Book option.

  4. Browse and select a contact from your list as the destination.

You can only access contacts from your own Address Book. Accessing the contacts of another user, even by administrators, is prohibited.

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