Release Notes
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (the successor of MyQ Smart Job Manager and MyQ Smart Print Services)
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 25)
19 November, 2024
Bug Fixes
LPM pausing jobs in Windows Printer Queue.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 24)
6 September, 2024
Bug Fixes
Cutepdf does not work if LPM is enabled.
LPM jobs sent from Microsoft Photos app stuck in paused state.
Typo corrections in the installer.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 23)
6 March, 2024
Bug fixes
Resolved a memory leak in the LPR TCP connection.
MDC now restricts incoming LPR connections to the local network.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 22)
31 October, 2023
Bug Fixes
Typo in installer text.
MDC can't connect to the print server after PC restart.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 21)
23 June, 2023
Bug Fixes
High CPU utilizations after a new direct queue is created.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 20)
24 March, 2023
Bug Fixes
Translations - missing translation IDs caused empty spaces in the dialog instead of default English in case of missing translation for a specific language.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 19)
22 March, 2023
Bug Fixes
Agent crashes if get server address from CSV file is used.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 18)
NEW FEATURE Show application name in popup messages.
Bug Fixes
Login fails when using credit from Central Server.
SPL files are not being deleted.
Server disconnects after 1 minute when using Windows Single Sign on.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 17)
Bug Fixes
When Remember me is disabled client will stay logged in for 5 minutes or until job interaction is complete.
Background operation errors are shown to the user as "internal error".
Quota appears multiple times when refreshing.
MDC installation fails when PowerShell execution policy is set to AllSigned.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 16)
Bug Fixes
LPM job cannot be printed because accounts are not known.
FB printing jobs are not prompting for projects or charging credit/quota.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 15)
NEW FEATURE Get the IP address of the Site server based on the client IP address range. Supported on CS 8.2 (Patch 19).
NEW FEATURE MDC configuration improvements.
Bug Fixes
Fallback printing doesn't work with SNMPv3.
After disabling remember me, the user is logged in, as the previous user if "Remember me" as Always was used.
If remember me option is disabled and the user logs in, clicking on 'Q' icon logs the user out.
MDC crashes when the server address is not resolvable.
Print job order mixed when printing to Direct Queue using MDC detection type.
User interaction window not closed after inactivity auto-logout occurs.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 14)
NEW FEATURE Reduce the number of API calls when connecting MDC.
Bug Fixes
Job sender's hostname limit is 15 characters when client spooling is not enabled.
MDC periodically disconnects with MS Cluster.
Reduce the number of requests when MDC starts.
Reduce the number of requests when a user logs into MDC.
Currency format adjusted according to language.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 13)
NEW FEATURE Search results return more items.
NEW FEATURE Add option to close MDC pop-up when jobs are pending.
Bug Fixes
IPP fallback printing.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 12)
NEW FEATURE Project searching options remembered.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 11)
Bug Fixes
MDC suggests fail-over printing when the server is overloaded but online.
Max size of stored jobs is applied even when Client spooling is off.
LPM blocks MS Print to PDF despite not monitoring that port.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 10)
Unify common settings and logs into one place.
Bug Fixes
LPM blocks Microsoft Print to PDF despite not monitoring that port.
Installer Modify command doesn't require Administrator rights.
Search field input lag.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 9)
MDC should not show disconnect status when the server returns 503 as a response.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 8)
Bug Fixes
Flight mode crashing Desktop Client App.
Idle state deleting job when set not to.
Print job security allows other characters and not only numbers.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 7)
NEW FEATURE When MDC services stop, disconnection prompt appears on the client.
NEW FEATURE Error shown in case of invalid server version.
Logs are more readable.
Bug Fixes
IPPS printing with Ricoh Devices.
Flight mode crashing Desktop Client app.
Incorrect price shown on MDC when discount is applied.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 6)
NEW FEATURE New tool to completely uninstall previous versions.
Bug Fixes
MDC not connecting after upgrade.
Corrected some parameters in silent installation.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 5)
NEW FEATURE Support unsecure communication.
Bug Fixes
Searching of users speed optimized.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 4)
NEW FEATURE Deletion of pending jobs if client is idle for X seconds.
NEW FEATURE Added support of radio group and checkbox group for Desktop Client user interaction scripting.
Bug Fixes
MDC's hostname with/without .local.
Client spooling duplicate print all/login.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 (patch 3)
Possible to set paper aliases for parser of local jobs via config.ini.
Bug Fixes
Pricelist is not cached.
Credit cost is not being accounted in offline mode.
MyQJobProcessor.exe could crash (only visible in Windows Event Viewer).
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2
Bug Fixes
Error on server calling endpoint.
Installation error.
Error when assigning project.
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2 BETA1
Desktop Client is the successor of Smart Job Manager and Smart Print Services.
SYSTEM REQUIREMENT MyQ Print Server 8.2 (Patch 3) or newer is required.
Manual available at:
Component Versions
Expand the content to see the version list of used components for the above MyQ Desktop Client releases.