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Authentication Servers settings

If you want to authenticate users against an LDAP server, synchronize users from an LDAP server, synchronize users from your MS Azure AD and use Microsoft SSO for the MyQ web UI or authenticate users against a Radius server, you have to add all the servers on this tab.

Adding a new LDAP server:

  1. Click +Add and select LDAP Server. The new LDAP server properties panel opens on the right side of the screen.

    Adding a new LDAP server
  2. Enter the LDAP domain.

  3. Select the LDAP Type. You can select from Active Directory, Novell, OpenLDAP, and Lotus Domino (for Active Directory you must select SSL in the Security field and the Server port must be 636).

  4. If you want the communication with the LDAP to be secured, select the Security protocol that you want to use.

  5. Enter the Server IP address or hostname and the communication port. (For Active Directory you can leave the IP address or hostname empty if you do not know them. The server will then be saved as Auto-discover.)

  6. If you have more addresses related to one LDAP server, you can add them by clicking Add.

  7. Click Save. The LDAP server now appears on the list of servers.

    LDAP server properties panel example

Adding a new MS Azure Server:

  1. Click +Add and select Azure AD Server. The new Azure AD server properties panel opens on the right side of the screen.

  2. If you have already added Azure AD in the Connections settings, the server appears on the list. If not, click Add new and add the Azure AD connection.

    Azure server settings
  3. If you want your users to be able to log in on the MyQ Web UI via Microsoft single-sign-on, select the Enable Sign in with Microsoft checkbox.

    MyQ web UI with Microsoft log in option
  4. Click Save. The Azure AD Server now appears on the list of servers.

Adding a new Radius server:

  1. Click +Add and select Radius server. The new Radius server properties panel opens on the right side of the screen.

  2. Enter the Radius server Name.

  3. Enter the Server IP address or hostname, the communication port and the Shared secret.

  4. If you have more addresses related to one Radius server, you can add them by clicking Add.

  5. Click Save. The Radius server now appears on the list of servers.

    Radius server properties example


When an authentication server is renamed, a server with the old name will still appear in the Authentication server settings of a user profile, alongside the server with the new name. The old server is removed after the following user synchronization propagates changes.

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