Update and Uninstallation
Updating the terminal
It is only possible to upgrade the server part of the terminal package. The device part of the MyQ Canon Embedded terminal has to be upgraded manually.
Updating the server part of the terminal package is done on the MyQ web administrator interface (MyQ Server 8.2 patch 6 or higher is required).
Check Terminal packages in the MyQ Print Server guide for further details.
Uninstalling the terminal
You can remotely uninstall the embedded terminal from the MyQ web administrator interface. For this to work, however, it is required to set printer credentials to the printer properties in MyQ or to the Configuration profile during the remote installation. It isn’t possible to uninstall the embedded terminal without the credentials.
To remotely uninstall, go to MyQ, Printers. Double-click on the printer. The properties panel opens on the right side of the screen. In the General tab, under Configuration, change the Configuration Profile to No Terminal. Click Save and re-activate the printer.
After that, you should manually delete the MyQ application from the device:
Go to the printer’s web UI by accessing http://*IP address of the printer*/
Provide your credentials, and click Log In.
Go to Service Management Service > Enhanced System Application Management.
Next to User Authentication, click the double arrows button to view the MyQ package file.
On the MyQ Login entry, click on Uninstall to uninstall the application from the device.
Confirm the uninstallation and restart the device.