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Update of the Application

To update the MyQ Recharge Terminal application, you have to log in to the NanoPC as the administrator. To do so, connect a keyboard to the NanoPC, then press Ctrl+Alt+Del, and finally enter the username (Admin) and password (Admin00).

Once you are in Microsoft Windows, you have to change configuration of the Recharge Terminal account, so that it does not start in the kiosk mode. To do so:

  1. Go to the Family & other people tab (Start → Settings → Accounts), and then tap Set up assigned access. The Set up assigned access tab opens.

    Set up assigned access
  2. On the tab, under Choose which app this account can access, tap Recharge Terminal. The Choose an app window opens.

    Choose which app the account can access
  3. In the window, tap Don't start an app when the account is signed in. The Recharge Terminal app disappears from the Set up assigned access tab.

    Don't start app when the account is signed in
  4. Open Task Manager, go to the Users tab, then select the Recharge Terminal user, and finally tap Sign out.

    Task Manager
  5. Now you can log out from the Admin account and log in to the Recharge Terminal account.

  6. On this account, update the MyQ Recharge Terminal by installing the new version of the application (run the MyQ Recharge Terminal installation file).

After the installation, log out of the Recharge Terminal account, and then log in to the Admin account. Now you have to change configuration of the MyQ Recharge Terminal, so that it starts in the kiosk mode again. To do so:

  1. Go to the Family & other people tab (Start → Settings → Accounts), and then tap Set up assigned access. The Set up assigned access tab opens.

  2. On the tab, under Choose which app this account can access, tap Choose an app. The Choose an app window opens.

  3. In the window, tap Recharge Terminal. The Recharge Terminal app appears on the Set up assigned access tab again.

  4. Restart the NanoPC. The MyQ Recharge Terminal will now start in the kiosk mode.

No settings are changed and all your data are maintained after the update, so there is no need for further configuration.

Reconnect to the MyQ Server after Application Update

After updating the Recharge Terminal Application, it is necessary to perform the connection test detailed here and save the data (without modification) to make the kiosk recognize the connection to the MyQ server (the server type changes from Unknown to Standalone Server or Central Server).

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