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Admin Setup

This chapter, intended for MyQ administrators, provides the reader with information about the initialization, login, and configuration of the MyQ Recharge Terminal.

Initial Setup

  • In the MyQ web administrator interface, go to MyQ, Settings, Credit.

    • In the General section, make sure Credit is enabled. If not, enable it and click Save.

    • In the Payment providers section, select External Payment Providers and click Enabled (or right click and select Enabled).

  • Download the MyQ Recharge Terminal installer from the MyQ Community portal, and install it on your server.

Starting the MyQ Recharge Terminal

Before starting the MyQ Recharge Terminal, make sure that the power cord and the network cables are connected.

  1. Unlock and open the door of the MyQ Recharge Terminal.

    Unlock and open the door
  2. Turn the NanoPC on using the "Power" button.

    Turning the NanoPC on
  3. Close and lock the door, and then wait for the system to initialize.

Admin Login

In order to configure the MyQ Recharge Terminal, you have to use the Administrator Mode.

Administrator mode login

To enter the Administrator mode, tap the MyQ logo at the top of the screen. Enter the administrator's PIN (1087 by default — it can be changed on the Management tab), and then tap Log in. Alternatively, you can first enter the administrator's PIN on the login screen, and then tap the MyQ logo. The administration screen opens.

After upgrading the MyQ Server from version 8.1 to version 8.2, it is necessary to re-enable, in MyQ settings the External Payment Provider (this setting is disabled by the upgrade). We recommend you repeat the initial setup steps listed on this page after any MyQ server upgrade.

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