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In the MyQ web interface, on the Reports main tab (MyQ, Reports), you can create and generate reports with a variety of data concerning your printing environment. The reports can be related to users, printing devices, print jobs, etc.

Reports main tab

Reports in MyQ are divided into two main categories: My Reports and Shared reports. My Reports show
users reports created by themselves, while Shared reports show them reports created by the administrator or by other users.

There are three default reports: My daily summary, My sessions, and My monthly summary. These are displayed in the My Reports folder of the MyQ administrator, who can modify them, delete them, or change their design. For all the other users, the default reports are displayed in the Shared Reports folder and cannot be changed in any way.

In addition to the three default reports, the administrator can create an unlimited number of reports and sort them into sub-folders of the My Reports folder. Users can create their own reports, but they are limited to use only certain report types depending on the rights granted by the administrator.

Each report can be directly displayed on the web interface and saved in any of the following formats: PDF, CSV, XML, XLSX and ODS. The reports can be automatically generated and stored in a predefined folder. There is no data limitation for the generated report, it includes all the data from the specified period.

All the reports have the MyQ logo displayed by default, but it can be replaced by your company's logo. To upload a custom logo, go to MyQ, Settings, Personalization. In the Custom application logo section, click +Add next to Custom logo and upload your own file (supported formats - JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, and recommended size - 398px x 92px).

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