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Terminal Actions Management

Terminal action nodes can be managed on the Terminal Actions settings tab (MyQ, Settings, Terminal Actions). They can be managed either under Home screen on the list of actions or directly on the terminal screen preview.

Terminal actions settings tab

Adding new action nodes on the list of actions

To add a new terminal action node:

  1. Right-click on Home Screen and point to Add action into this folder in the shortcut menu. Another sub-menu with a list of available action nodes opens to the right.

  2. On the sub-menu, select the new action node. The new action node properties panel opens on the right side of the screen.

    Adding a new action node from the Home screen list
  3. On the properties panel, you can rename and edit the node. Once you save your changes, the new action node is displayed on the action nodes list and on the terminal screen preview.

Adding new action nodes on the terminal screen preview

To add a new terminal action node:

  1. Right-click any item on the preview and point on Add action behind this action in the shortcut menu. A sub-menu with a list of available action nodes opens to the right.

  2. On the sub-menu, select the action node. The new action node properties panel opens on the right side of the screen.

    Adding a new action node from the terminal preview
  3. On the properties panel, you can rename and edit the node. Once you save your changes, the new action node is displayed on the action nodes list and on the terminal screen preview.

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