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Additional configuration on the device

Before you can start using the terminal, you need to change the following settings on the printing device:

  • Set the screen startup mode

  • Set printing limits

Setting the screen startup mode

To do this, you need to unlock the device’s Android panel screen, open the printing device system settings and set the Screen Startup Mode.

  1. On the initial screen of the MyQ Embedded application, tap MyQ to open the admin login screen.

    Click the MyQ logo on the terminal to log in as admin
  2. On the admin login screen, enter the admin password (the default password is 1087), and then tap OK. The Admin menu opens.

    Enter the admin login PIN on the terminal
  3. Tap System settings in the menu on the right side of the screen. The device’s panel screen opens.

    Admin Menu
  4. On the screen, tap User Tools. The User Tools screen opens.

    User Tools on the admin menu
  5. Tap Screen Features. The Screen Features screen opens.

    Screen Features on the admin menu
  6. Tap Screen Device Settings. The Screen Device Settings screen opens.

    Screen device settings on the admin menu
  7. Tap Screen Startup Mode. The Screen Startup Mode widget opens.

    Screen startup mode on the admin menu
  8. On the widget, tap Normal.

    Setting normal screen startup  mode on the admin menu


Setting printing limits

To do this, you need to unlock the device’s Android panel screen, open the printing device system settings and and change two settings there: the Machine action when limit is reached setting, and the Enhanced Print Volume Use Limitation setting.

  1. On the initial screen of the MyQ Embedded application, tap MyQ to open the admin login screen.

    Click the MyQ logo on the terminal to log in as admin
  2. On the admin login screen, enter the admin password (the default password is 1087), and then tap OK. The Admin menu opens.

    Enter the admin login PIN on the terminal
  3. Tap System settings in the menu on the right side of the screen. The device’s panel screen opens.

    Admin Menu
  4. On the screen, tap User Tools. The User Tools screen opens.

    User Tools on the admin menu
  5. Tap Machine Features. The Machine Features screen opens.

    Machine Features on the admin menu
  6. Tap System Settings. The System Settings screen opens.

    System Settings on the admin menu
  7. Tap Administrator Tools. The Administrator Tools tab opens.

    Administrator tools on the admin menu
  8. Tap Machine action when limit is reached. The Machine Action When Limit is Reached dialog box appears.

    Administrator tools - Machine Action When Limit is Reached
  9. In the dialog box, select the Stop Job option, and then tap OK at the top-right corner of the screen. You are returned to the Administrator Tools tab.

    Machine Action When Limit is Reached - Stop Job option
  10. On the tab, tap Enhanced Print Volume Use Limitation. The Enhanced Print Volume Use Limitation dialog box appears.

    Administrator tools - Enhanced Print Volume Use Limitation
  11. In the dialog box, set Tracking permission and Stop Printing to On, and then tap OK at the top-right corner.

    Enhanced Print Volume Use Limitation options
  12. Restart the printing device.


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