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User Tab

On the User tab, you can perform the following actions, related to user sessions:

User tab settings
  • Price of ID card- Set the price required to dispense an ID card.

  • Number of ID cards per user__ for a given period__ - Set a limit for the number of ID cards a user can dispense, for a given time period (select the time period from the list).

  • Inactivity logout time - Set the inactivity logout time, in seconds.

  • Allow users to register their card - If enabled (On), users will be able to register their ID card.

  • System language - Select the system language for the MyQ Recharge Terminal.

  • Displayed type of supported coins and bank notes - Enter the information about the supported coins and bank notes, that will be displayed during the user sessions.

After setting the options, tap Save at the bottom of the screen.

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